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10th grade personal project: the connection between art, music, and reality

Writer: Sophie SeifertSophie Seifert

Hi! My name is Sophie Seifert, and I’m a 10th grader at Eagle Rock High School. This year, I was presented with the task of making my personal project, a long term mission that would challenge me to explore my passions while also reaching out to my community. Music has always been something that impacts my life, and I wanted to expand on that idea. I created six art pieces inspired by the albums of artists that have made a difference in my life. I also included some of the original album cover inspirations for reference. By putting it out in the school newspaper, I hope to reach people who feel the same influence of music. I encourage you to check out the bands I’ve included, as they’re astounding and stunning. I also implore you to explore your own connection to bands that have impacted your life— you might find that music, art, and reality aren't that different at all. 

(Original images credited to me, real album cover images credited to their aligned bands.)

Adrienne Lenker is known for both her band, Big Thief, and her solo debut. With soft vocals and a unique voice, her music truly stands out. Last year, I discovered her song “Anything,” and I couldn’t stop listening to it. It was sad, but almost bittersweet, with the melancholy lyrics and haunting chorus. I went through a difficult time in 9th grade, and this song served as a symbol of hope for me— now, I listen to it to remember how everything will be ok even in the worst of times. I’m really proud of this art piece, as I’ve never worked with watercolor before, but I’m really happy with the finished product. I spent multiple days on it, starting with a sketch and slowly filling in the individual colors. It took trial and error, and I restarted multiple times before it looked like what I envisioned. 

The Beatles are a classic 60’s band who have made one of the greatest impacts ever on the music industry. “Beatlemania” is the excitement and crazy frenzy they caused, with thousands of fans and dozens of groundbreaking albums. While they’re an extremely popular band, and their well known songs can be found anywhere, The Beatles have so many lesser known works that are equally as fantastic. Their music is still listened to today, decades after their peak, proving that the band has impacted people’s lives all over the world. I grew up listening to The Beatles, and Abby Road was a staple in my childhood. I would stare at the album cover and play the songs, mesmerized by their enchanting sound. The image of Abbey Road is classic, with countless parodies all over pop culture. The art that I made was inspired by it, and I incorporated an image of me and my friends that copies the positions that the Beatles were in. The photo was completely candid, showing how art can copy real life, and real life can copy art. 

Elliot Smith is my favorite artist. Ever. His music is sad and fragile, delicate but powerful, and I love countless songs and albums he’s created. His story is sad itself, as he died from self inflicted wounds after years of battling depression. I went to see the Figure Eight memorial in Echo Park, (a mural that he stood in front of on his album Figure Eight.) The paint isn’t as vibrant as it used to be and graffiti covers the entire surface. On the anniversary of his death, people put flowers, drinks, and tokens at the foot of the wall to commemorate his impact on their lives. I was inspired by this to create an art piece that captured those moments. Elliot

Smith has impacted my life in so many ways— I’ve fallen asleep to his music, learned his songs on piano, made several playlists with only his work. I wanted my art of his memorial to serve as a memorial itself, and although it’s nothing grand, I’m really happy with the way it turned out. I love the collage and mixtures of different images. More than any of the other art I made, I like this one the best, because it symbolizes the impact that Smith has had on so many people’s lives, outside of just my own— which is exactly what my project explored. 

Slutever is a 2000’s punk band that I only learned about recently— but they’ve become a staple in my playlist. After hearing their song “Maggot,” I was instantly captivated by them, and their album “Almost Famous” is one of my favorite vinyls to date. Sadly, the band isn’t together anymore, as the two main women have grown up and moved on. Despite their music perfectly capturing “teenage angst” (sorry to sound like a middle aged critic), they remain virtually unknown. Give them a listen!

Personally, their music has an energy that I haven’t been able to find anywhere else. Growing up is obviously challenging and multifaceted, but Slutever’s sound captures that feeling. Whenever I’m confused or stressed, I put on “Almost Famous” and sink into the music. For this piece of art I was really excited to be able to incorporate different types of media. I used a real notebook and simply included my own stickers and writing. I enjoyed watching an everyday object transform into the image of an actual piece of art, proving that art really is all around us. 

The Shins are a 90’s rock band originating from New Mexico, known for their mellow tunes and creative lyrics. While some of their songs are more famous than others, so many of their works are incredible and worthy of being checked out. With a folkish sound and soft melodies, The Shins make for both a good background noise or a gentle listen. Last year, I discovered their album “Oh, Inverted World,” and I was immediately mesmerized. “New Slang” quickly became my favorite song and would constantly be playing through my headphones. I went to New York during that phase, and the whole time, The Shins were my soundtrack. I would look at the sky and imagine white branches coming down the same way they did in the art of the vinyl. Now, I associate New York’s wonder with The Shins, and I’m taken back to that vacation every time one of their songs is played. For this piece of art, I created exactly what I imagined in my head: the sky of New York being transformed with white lines and dots. It’s amazing to see art in the natural world, and equally as incredible to put that idea into a tangible work. This was the first piece of art I made, and it's definitely a bit rough - but it's a good reminder of how much I improved.

A few years ago, I had the privilege to see The Pixies at the Hollywood Bowl, headlining with a strange band I’d never heard of— Modest Mouse. I was instantly captured. That night, I went home, and became one of Modest Mouse’s biggest fans. Their songs sounded rough and raw, but presented themselves gracefully. I was taken back by the beauty of their lyrics and intricate layers of unique instruments. I had the opportunity to see them play again— this time at a much smaller place— and the experience remains my favorite concert ever. Pushing my way up to the front, I felt fully immersed in the music and songs, and I’m so lucky to cherish that memory of one of my favorite bands. One of their songs, “Float On,” is about letting go of problems and knowing everything will be ok— I always put that song on when I need reassurance. I wanted to use the art from the album that song was on but incorporate birds, because I connotate them with freedom. I feel like my art piece effectively captures that happiness and feeling. 

Thank you for taking time to look at my project!

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