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Writer's pictureJessica Lau

Bojack Horseman: The Show About The Horse From Horsin’ Around

Art by Geena San Diego

Image from Netflix

Do you know the Horse from Horsin’ Around? His name is Bojack Horseman, and he happens to have his very own show. Bojack Horseman: a Netflix original, is an animated satire-comedy series about a depressed humanoid horse, consisting of six seasons. The horse, Bojack, is mainly known as the star of the 90s sitcom show Horsin' Around. People would say, “Aren’t you the horse from Horsin’ Around?” Those were his glory days. Twenty years or so later, Bojack tries to regain his dignity, but constantly fails. The show consists of this cycle of failure. It paints this image of a character who hides his broken identity under narcissism. Now, if you like shows that get gritty and real, but are seemingly comical at the same time, this show might be perfect for you.

Throughout the show, Bojack struggles to live a happy life and makes a series of bad choices. This leads him to fall into a deep depression, filled with addiction, insecurity, and regret. In each season, there’s at least one or more bad decisions made by Bojack. You think, How could it possibly get worse? Oh trust me, it gets worse. Each season the mistakes worsen, but you'd have to watch to find out.

There is a sense of melancholy at the end of each season. The show is both entertaining but authentic at the same time. Although the show depicts depression in a very authentic way, they balance this with clever jokes. The actions, the thoughts, the emotion of this corrupt horse, are all a bit too real, and might be even considered a bit too sad. But that’s how reality can be sometimes: cruel.

Although this show is literally called Bojack Horseman, it’s not all about the horse. Each character in this show has their own unique personality trait and background story as well. Though the characters might not be as bad as Bojack, they still face some challenges. For instance, Princess Carolyn, a pink-colored feline who is Bojack’s manager, struggles to find a balance between her personal life and her occupational life. At some points of the show, she is able to balance her life, yet often finds herself going back to her occupational needs. By the end of the show, she subsequently gets some closure. A lot of the characters get closure, actually, and it’s satisfying to finally see the characters content with themselves. No, I’m not saying the ending is “rainbows and butterflies, happiness everywhere.” But, season six, the final season, is certainly an ending worth watching.

This show also provides a handful of advice and lessons about personal growth. We see Bojack’s journey. We see him mess up numerous times. We see him at his lows, even at his lowest that is lower than rock bottom. But, eventually, like everyone else, we see him improve. It takes a damn while, and I won’t tell you which season it happens, but it happens. This series teaches audiences that redemption is possible. No matter how deep of a hole you dig yourself up in, you will find a way up eventually.

That’s why Bojack Horseman is ground breaking. It covers mental illness in a sense that isn’t romanticized, and it confronts reality and emotion right in the eye from different perspectives; it’s genuine. And all that, with hints of comedy and amusement. This show is truly remarkable. You won’t regret watching it, I know I didn’t.

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