Would you rather be Santa’s elf or reindeer and why?
“I’d rather be a reindeer because they’re cool, and I like them. Rudolph’s my favorite reindeer: he’s my guy.”

What’s the number one thing on your list?
“Slingshot. One of my neighbors on Halloween gave me candy corn, so I’m slingshotting eggs at his house because that candy corn tasted terrible.”

If you could create one new winter tradition, what would it be?
“I think the best tradition would be to play sleigh ride every year. Even though it sounds bad we should play it. Everyone should play it even the beginning band kids, it would sound so funny. Even non-band kids can join in if they want to as long as they clap at the right time.”

Ideally, what would you spend your winter break doing?
“Probably watching TV. Currently I’m watching Dance Mom because it’s really funny and keeps me entertained. When I’m really bored and have nothing to do I’m like ‘let’s go watch some dance moms!’”

Do you think you are on the naughty or nice list?
“Nice list! I feel like when I was younger I wasn’t the nicest person but I think I’ve gotten nicer. I think I’ve been really helpful this year!”

If the grinch came knocking on your door, would you let him in?
“Absolutely not! Stranger danger! First of all, pass. Second of all, he’s too hairy.”

Would you like it to snow in Los Angeles? Why or why not?
“I don’t think so because I think snow is something that you would travel with your family to see-- like a one time thing. If it’s snowing all the time it’d be too cold. My favorite season is Fall so I don’t like it too cold. Once or twice would be fine but not consistently.”