To spread St. Patty cheer, we decided to interview our mothers, the people who feed us baby bird style, the teachers of Eagle Rock.

If you could create a new St. Patty’s Day tradition, what would it be?
Seed bombing California native plants onto median strips and empty lots.

What would you buy with a pot of gold?
I would buy a house by a beach so I can go and relax. But it would be in another country, like a tropical country, so I can go and relax.

How would you catch a leprechaun?
With a Yondr magnet, to catch it by the hat buckle.

What's your favorite green thing?
Eagle Rock. And a Benjamin. That's the one I like.

What's your favorite token of luck?
Probably the horseshoe. It's more unique than a clover. You’re always finding a clover but never a horseshoe.