Meet the 7th and 8th graders of Eagle Rock! All photos by Nyda Hosack.

What would you do if you were parachuting and your parachute didn’t open?
“I would try harder to open my parachute, but if that didn’t work then I’d just try to make one out of something that I have”

If you could live in any movie what would it be?
“I would live in the original Spiderman so I could just see Spiderman whenever I wanted.”

What’s the most fascinating fact you know?
“Space scientifically smells like steak. We can’t smell it obviously because then we’d be dead but it’s true.”

How would you spend your last day on Earth?
“Probably eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich. They’re amazing and I have a free coupon for one.”

What song would you use in the soundtrack of your life?
“Big Papa by The Notorious BIG because I’m the king and I’m just the best at everything.”

What came first, the chicken or the egg?
“The chicken because who else would’ve laid the egg.”
need to have a philosophical conversation with frankie rodriguez