In my opinion, the Goodwill Outlets (also known as the “bins”) are a hidden gem. The bins at Goodwill are a place where you can find clothing that has not been filtered or priced yet, meaning that it's up to you to decide whether the quality is or isn't good enough to buy. It is true that sometimes, items in the bins can be dirty, broken, stained, or just downright uncomfortable. However, more often you'll find just what you’re looking for--and at an unbelievable price! Here are a few tips and tricks to have in your pocket while exploring the Goodwill bins.

1. Bring gloves/hand sanitizer
Number one, and arguably one of the most important things on the list, is to bring gloves. Often times, you will come across somewhat dirty clothing while shopping at the bins. Though they do have plenty of bottles of sanitizer, gloves are not provided. However, the gloves do provide an extra layer of coverage and cleanliness when sorting through clothes. You should also wash your hands and clothes before trying them on.
2. Show up with an open mind
Going to the bins with an open mind is also necessary if you want to have a successful trip. While it doesn’t hurt to have an idea of what you want in mind, being flexible is even more important. For me, I don’t discover what I’m looking for until I find it, and realizing that you’ve found something you like is much harder when you have your mind set on one specific thing. Again, it’s okay to have a game plan, as long as you’re okay with adjusting a little.
3. Bring Kleenex/tissues
This one is a bit more specific to people who have allergies, but bringing a small pack of tissues to the bins is always recommended. Because none of the clothes in the bins have been washed yet, it can get pretty dusty in there. I have found myself wishing I had a pack of tissues to cover my sneeze multiple times, and it never hurts to come prepared.

4. Make sure your personal space is respected
While shopping at the bins, sometimes people can get a bit pushy, especially when a new bin of clothes comes out. Just remember that your personal space is as important as theirs, and it’s okay to confront someone or tell a friend or adult if your boundaries have been pushed. If you aren’t comfortable with large crowds, you might not find the bins to be the most comfortable place. But, as long as you make sure that your personal space is acknowledged and respected, you can still be in for a lot of fun.
5. Come with a set budget
At the bins, textile items are priced at $3.19 per pound and are sold based on weight rather than quality. This means that the total cost of your items will vary based on the material of the clothing you buy. Things like t-shirts, spandex/exercise wear, and cotton items are typically much cheaper than things like jeans/denim, sweaters, and long skirts or dresses. If you are looking for a pair of jeans, it’s a good idea to come with a little bit of extra money, but one or two shirts shouldn’t cost you more than a few cents!
6. Pay attention to item quality
Recently, when I was at the bins, I found a pair of jean shorts that I absolutely loved. I grabbed them as soon as I saw them, brought them to the checkout, and almost purchased them, before realizing there were several brown stains on the bottom. Whether it was just dirt or… something else, I didn’t want to take any chances, and sadly had to return the pair back to the bins. While this was quite upsetting, it’s very important to remember that the quality of your clothes matters. Avoid purchasing items with stains, holes, tears, or rips for the best quality and experience!
In conclusion, I would say that the bins at Goodwill are a super fun place to hang out with friends and score some cheap, fashionable clothes in the process. I usually go to the bins in San Fernando, but any stores close to you will be just as great! The bins have everything from jeans to jackets, from shorts to shoes, and so much more! (They also have books and children’s toys, but I’ll save that for another article.) Of course, the bins are not for everyone, but if you want to try something new and improve your wardrobe, I’d say that they’re worth a shot.