Toona Salad #3: Blue’s… Claws?Brett CorpuzSep 29, 20230 min readWhat’s this? The school is glitching?! Someone’s gotta investigate!It’s happening here, too. What the… what is this… blue clawmark? Did something just blue-skidoo’d through that mirror?Everything seems normal here, right?Look, look, another cl… Wait, which one is the clue?AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! THERE’S A GIANT PENCIL COMING FROM THE SKY!!! I REPEAT, A GIANT PENCIL IS COMING FROM THE SKY!!!Oh thank god. It’s just something wrong with the Toona Salad maker, he’s just dozing off. That explains everything.
What’s this? The school is glitching?! Someone’s gotta investigate!It’s happening here, too. What the… what is this… blue clawmark? Did something just blue-skidoo’d through that mirror?Everything seems normal here, right?Look, look, another cl… Wait, which one is the clue?AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! THERE’S A GIANT PENCIL COMING FROM THE SKY!!! I REPEAT, A GIANT PENCIL IS COMING FROM THE SKY!!!Oh thank god. It’s just something wrong with the Toona Salad maker, he’s just dozing off. That explains everything.
This really cracked me up!